Invite to one's side men of wisdom and Valor

SuiXing industry as the fluid & powder equipment manufacturing enterprises in the world famous, safer, more efficient, more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly production for the mission of the enterprise, and constantly strive to China basic industrial modernization to make their own contribution. Since its inception, the rapid development, has become a leader in the fluid and powder equipment industry. The enterprise has its unique management style, has its unique company culture, always have the best people in the industry, but the combination of the most positive mentality in this industry, as in the past, we have the ability to find, have experience, have a positive attitude of "you" to join our family together to create fluid treatment with the powder processing technology of bright future.

Talent employment standards

There is only one reuse, not only virtuous appointment, are not without virtue

Talent concept

The best of them, have both ability and political integrity

Talent introduction concept

To attract talented, use the knowledge, morality,

Competence and performance as a measure of talent

Talent cultivation idea

Respect for individual differences, make use of human resources optimization,

Make the best use. The amount applied for posts,

Ability to determine the position, contribute to determine the value of.

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